Friday, July 8, 2011

Another Week, Another Shilling

Afripads came to Kamuge as my colleague and fellow PCV Ashley came to my site to present to our girls on reproductive health. The session included teaching the girls about menstruation and answering their questions about sex. Some of the questions directly from the girls included:

Are there safe days to have sex when you cannot get pregnant?

Can condoms give you cancer?

How much sperm does a man have?

How do you abstain?

What does it mean if you are menstruating for three weeks straight?

Can you reuse condoms? (they're relatively expensive)

Her sessions have inspired me and my friend John to start our own class for boys. Boys need the info to. So why not? I'm excited to see how our first session goes next week. We may even make it a regular program and travel to other schools in Uganda to do sessions. We shall see.

Sam Ssegirinya came back to our school and showed our students how to make soap. I want to first experiment with teachers on the process and then facilitate more sessions with the students. The soap could be used for personal use or sold, giving these rural kids a little income.

We had a meeting this past Friday with all the S4s, their parent, teachers, members and officials from the community. My school is trying to improve student discipline and is enlisting all members of the community to assist the school in holding the kids accountable for showing up. It started at 11:30. The chairman opened the meeting stating he hoped to end by 1:00. It's now 4:00 and the meeting is still going strong. I ducked out after I had made my remarks at the 2:30 hour mark.

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