Aisu (pronounced I-ee-soo) Fiona, besides having a pretty awesome name, is one of the smartest students in my S4 class. She's pictured above in my main photo on the far left.
She's one of those students who comes to school every day and arrives on time. She asks questions in class and participates actively. She has a lot going for her. She visits me in my office often to talk about school and America.
Her home is about an hours walk from the school. So she spends two hours a day walking to and from school, five days a week, sometimes on weekends too. I see her all the time when I run in the morning.
She is 16 years old, very young for S4, impressive. She is the third born of seven children. She has one brother and five sisters.
The eldest sibling is a primary school teacher. And the second born is at Kyambogo University studying Information Technology. So her potential to move past A-level and onto university looks pretty promising. I'm happy for her.
She is lucky enough to still have both her parents, Okanya Sam and Asuma Mary. When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor.
She is an Itesote by tribe and speaks four languages: Ateso, English, Luganda, and Lugwere.
She epitomizes the reason I teach.

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